Website Development
A modern, dynamic and state-of-the-art website, developed for United Nations in India, to showcase information about their initiatives to all stakeholders through an improved visitor experience.
A website is an essential asset in today’s world and a wow design is vital in website development. With this our client approached us for taking on a full website revamp with focus on-

The work being done on priority
areas such as Health, Poverty,
Job creation, Environment, etc.

Compatible with photos, videos,
e-books and infographics which
would be embedded and hosted
on the website.

Incorporating social
media feeds.
Key Features

Responsive and Comprehensive source of information for UN operations in India.

Reach out to the target audience, comprising of organizations, not-for-profits, government/public sector companies, individuals, partners, supporters, etc.

Disseminate relevant information such as News, Blogs, Press articles, Photo stories and Videos.

In recent past, we launched this web site in Hindi also.
Technology Used

Contact Us
Please write a quick note, if you would like further information regarding any of our services.