Unmatched experience in Chronic care

Comprehensive knowledge of HIPPA & HL-7

Worked on eHealth & Data WH portals

Solutions for patients, payers and providers

Framework for Syndicated Content

Industry standard integrations
A sample of our work is briefly described below. As we work in a commando unit mode, each project is a case study, and is the source of multiple stories, some only for the campfire…
Instant Health

- Portal to provide intelligent health decisions
- Funded by autonomous medical body
- Complex decision logic will revolutionize healthcare
Chronic Care

- Large social platform for chronic care support
- Complex network of syndicated content
- Secure, enterprise-grade platform for patients and care-givers to receive comprehensive information
Skin Pathology Laboratory

- Healthcare Centre management application running for Boston University for over 3 decades
- Patient medical test data captured, catalogued in a fully searchable database
- Key features include barcode generation, PDF reports, HL7 electronic orders.
- Multiple enhancements to improve efficiency and stability
- Migrated application to SaaS model on Azure