Client Fee Calculator

Utility built for US mortgage industry to calculate the fees that are to be charged to their service seekers for mortgage services.

Client Fee Calculator


The existing Fee Calculator was malfunctioning, due to which the ongoing business of client was suffering a major financial loss in terms of fees to be charged by the service seeker. The challenge was that it was generating correct results 95% of the times. Due to the complex nature of the calculator, and the vast volume of underlying data tables, it remained ERRONEOUS in spite of several attempts by previous teams.

Now the system is able to calculate correct rates for all scenarios.


Provided client with an ability to internally calculate all the fees.

Provided client with an ability to internally calculate all the fees.

Save money

Save money

Our technical team studied the code in detail, and not only corrected the calculator to 100% accuracy, they also built a web version for online verification, and a testing tool, to compare and test the results against other online rate calculators. Our team also created a detailed technical document to enable future teams to easily support the rate calculator.

Key Features


Updated rate quotation


Existing client can directly
see estimates now


created web calculator for which client was using 3rd party tool, and paying big annual fees, which is a direct ROI

Technology Used

Technology Used

We use Conception, Construction and Continuity- the three C’s principles for building or remodeling your web application.

Check out our case study on Data Consolidation and Reporting App

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